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Caron yarns A few errors have been found in the pattern. They will eventually be fixed on the web pattern.
In the meantime, here are just the corrections
Row 55: With B, k2tog, *[(sl 1, k1) 3 times, sl 1], k3, (sl 1, k1)
3 times, sl 1, k3; rep from * 10 times more, repeat between [ ], end k2tog--227 sts.
Row 149: With MC, k2tog, k2, *[(sl 1, k1) 3 times, sl 1], k3; repeat from *
11 times more, repeat between [ ], end k2, k2tog--133 sts.
Row 151: With B, k2tog, k2, *[(sl 1, k1) twice, sl 1], k5; repeat from *
11 times more, repeat between [ ], end k2, k2tog -- 129 sts.
Row 215: With B, k2tog, [(sl 1, k1) twice, sl 1], k5; repeat from *
5 times more, repeat between [ ], end k2tog--67 sts.